Loustalot: Supporting Bennett for Clearlake City Council


This election time couldn’t be more important in both America's history along with in our own city.

This letter is in complete support of Nick Bennett being elected to Clearlake City Council this November.

When I had to resign from council because of a family decision that relocated us outside the Clearlake city limits, I felt an enormous amount of guilt at not being able to fulfill my complete term on Clearlake City Council by about six months.

When the applications started coming in to fill my seat I couldn’t have been more impressed that Mr. Bennett stepped up after his recent retirement to hopefully fill my shoes and commit to another four years if elected this November. He was clearly the best choice at the time and thank goodness the council acted on it.

The last four years has been so crucial to fast-tracking our city forward to positive thing and change.

Nick has proven himself in so many ways to our community. He is a man with a broad spectrum of understanding of what is needed in our city.

His service to our city has been explained as one of the most dedicated and honest with his years on the Clearlake Police Department. Both with outstanding detective work and keeping our streets safe while on patrol.

Nick also contributed with service in the U.S. Army. He was lucky enough to come home and not have to make the ultimate sacrifice that so many do.

This shows he has dedicated himself to service to our country and community for the majority of his life and is a strong leader with this experience under his belt.

Now that Nick has some experience under his belt in the council seat he has won the endorsement of the Lake County Board of Realtors and many more, showing us again he knows what is best for the community and what will bring this city back to prosperity.

So, please come out and vote Nick Bennett for Clearlake City Council. You in return will receive a strong leader who can make solid, reasonable and fiscally responsible decisions for Clearlake to keep the momentum rolling forward that the past four years the council has worked really hard to begin.
Denise  Loustalot lives in Clearlake, Calif. She formerly served on the Clearlake City Council and was the city's mayor.