Hidden Valley Lake Ladies 40-9ers Golf Club members hold May 26 event


HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE, Calif. – The Hidden Valley Lake Ladies 40-9ers Golf Club held a nine-hole game of “Jack and Jill” on Thursday, May 26.

The results are as follows:

– First flight: First place team, Tom and Deby Braun, net 33; second place, Eric Hill and Barbara Harris, 34; third place, Bob and Liz Cummesky, 35.

– Flight two: First place, Dennis Bero and Elaine Fauser, 33; second place team, John Gastineau and Floydean Greenlow, 38; third place, Mike Casolo and Darcy Miller, 39.

– Third place: First place, Pete Gascoigne and Carol Ellis, 33; second place, tie, Wayne and Diana Schneider, and Bob and Mary Schossler, 39.