Housing Task Force hosts Feb. 5 fundraiser dinner

KELSEYVILLE, Calif – The eighth annual Housing Task Force dinner will be held on Saturday, Feb. 5, at Kelseyville Presbyterian Church at 5340 Third St. in Kelseyville.

On the menu is melt-in-your-mouth brisket, scalloped potatoes, baked beans and coleslaw.

Desserts, made by some incredible bakers in our community will be auctioned off (and hopefully shared) following the dinner.

All proceeds from this incredible meal will be distributed back into the community as needed over the course of 2011.

There will also be a silent auction during dinner. If you would like to donate to the silent auction, please contact Heidi at 707-291-6171.

Tickets can be purchased by calling the KPC office at 707-279-1104.

The cost is $10 for adults, $7 for children under age 10 or $35 for a family with two or more children under 10.

Come and join the community in support of the Housing Task Force.