Strasser: A case of class warfare


Lloyd Blankfein, chief executive officer of Goldman Sachs, asked Congress to cut funds for Social Security and Medicare.

Mr. Blankfein earned $16 million in 2011.

If that does not offend you, there is more … Goldman Sachs, through ineptitude at best, and downright criminality (selling product known to be worthless to unsuspecting customers) at worst, was heading for disaster.

Goldman Sachs turned to the United States government, who bailed them out in 2008.

The definition of “chutzpah” used to be a guy murders his parents, and then throws himself on the mercy of the court on the basis of the fact that he is an orphan. That definition now seems way too understated.

Class warfare? You bet.

Mel Brooks said it best in “The History of the World Part I,” when a senator in Rome brings up the plight of the poor, and the rest of the senators, in unison (while doing the right hand to the elbow of the left hand gesture) yell, “F--- the poor.”
Nelson Strasser lives in Lakeport, Calif.