Cooper: Supporting Bill Dodd for Assembly


On Nov. 4, voters in Lake County will have the opportunity to select our next representative in the California State Assembly.

I believe Bill Dodd is the right man for the job.

Bill has served for 14 years on the Napa County Board of Supervisors, where he has worked with people of all political backgrounds to build consensus and achieve major accomplishments for his constituents.

Among his many accomplishments was spearheading Napa's flood control project that projected 2,000 properties from flooding, restored 900 acres of environmental wetlands and created $1 billion of investment in Napa's downtown businesses.

Bill has taken a keen interest in the challenges facing Lake County, visiting our area 40 times over the course of the campaign to learn about our most pressing policy issues.

He is committed to preserving our agricultural tradition and will support fully funding the Williamson Act, a state program that preserves land for agricultural or open space uses.

He has taken an active stance in favor of Measure S, understanding the need to mitigate invasive quagga mussels and other nuisances endangering the lake that has such a large role in sustaining our economy.

These major challenges that we face are not Democratic or Republican issues, they are issues that every citizen faces and require leaders who will get things done in a bipartisan fashion.

This is just the approach Bill Dodd has taken in over a decade in public service and that's why I support him to be Lake County's next Assembly member.

Mark A. Cooper, DDS, lives in Clearlake, Calif.