Manzer: Seeking missing equipment


Hello to everyone in Lake County who visited us at the Calistoga Fairgrounds during your evacuation. 

If I can be so bold as to speak for many of us who volunteered at the evacuation center, it was our pleasure to host and be with you during those troubling times. Your strength during those difficult days was very encouraging to all of us.

As the Calistoga Fairgrounds Evacuation Center was closing, and the donated and yet-to-be used items were loaded for moving to Lake County, we have some items missing.

Grace Episcopal Church of St. Helena loaned us a dozen of their heavy duty clothing racks so that donated clothing could be sorted and displayed for your selection.

Unfortunately, as the center closed and everything was loaded for restaging in Lake County, those heavy duty galvanized pipe clothing racks disappeared. 

If anyone is aware of their destination in Lake County, or elsewhere, could you please give me a call at 707-963-4005 so we can retrieve them? Thank you.

Norm Manzer lives in St. Helena, Calif.