UC Davis planning to use two Mendocino National Forest campgrounds this month


MENDOCINO NATIONAL FOREST, Calif. – The West Crockett and Middle Creek campgrounds on the Mendocino National Forest will be utilized by the University of California, Davis archaeological field school for several weeks.

Starting Monday, approximately 25 field school participants will be at West Crockett Campground in the Snow Mountain Wilderness on the Grindstone Ranger District. The campground will serve as a home base for students until Friday, July 10.

Beginning Monday, July 13, the participants will be based out of Middle Creek Campground on the Upper Lake Ranger District until Friday, July 21.

During this time, forest visitors interested in utilizing these campgrounds should be prepared for increased use.

Depending on the experience they are looking for, some visitors may want to consider a different campground or recreation area at this time.

Field school participants will be performing archaeological surveys and possibly excavations in the general vicinity of these areas.

For more information on the Mendocino National Forest, please call 530-934-3316 or visit www.fs.usda.gov/mendocino .