Sunday, 02 June 2024

Nature walk at Boggs Mountain State Forest takes place Aug. 31

The Woodland Madia, a late summer wildflower, can be found in Boggs Mountain State Forest in Cobb, Calif. Courtesy photo.


COBB, Calif. – The Friends of Boggs Mountain will offer a nature walk on the interpretive trail on Wednesday, Aug. 31.

The walk will begin at 9 a.m.

Every season has its special gifts, and as summer slides into fall, they will look for signs of the change of the seasons.

Both the Konocti and Sonoma Manzanita bushes are losing some of their leaves, the madrone trees have laid down a carpet of yellow and the Woodland Madia, a late summer wildflower, is in full bloom.

This is an opportunity to get some exercise while you enjoy the wonders of nature.

The interpretive trail has more than 50 signs identifying the plants, shrubs, trees, mosses and wildflowers encountered on the path.

The 1.3-mile hike will be on moderate terrain and will be led by Darlene Hecomovich.

Wear study shoes, dress appropriately for weather conditions, and bring water and enthusiasm.

Meet at the Parking Lot Kiosk promptly at 9 a.m.

The forest entrance is located off Highway 175 just two miles north of Cobb Village. Turn at the blue State Fire Station/Boggs Mountain Forest sign.

For further information phone Darlene Hecomovich at 707-928-5591 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Come and enjoy the fun.




A nature hike planned at Boggs Mountain State Forest in Cobb, Calif., on Wednesday, Aug. 31, will allow visitors to see the park in its late summer glory. Courtesy photo.

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