Highland Springs Trails Volunteers group leads hikes


LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Highland Springs Trails Volunteers are leading a series of hikes for the community.

The first two hikes in a series of six were held on Jan. 19 and Jan. 26.

These hikes were scheduled in conjunction to Lake County's www.Movemore2014.org Fitness Challenge.

The hikes, which begin at 11 a.m., are scheduled for the following Sundays: Feb. 2, Feb. 9, Feb. 16 and Feb. 23.

These hikes will cover approximately three to five miles at a fairly good pace and take approximately two hours.

Reservations are required.

Meeting places will change depending on trails being hiked. Rain or wet trails cancels the hikes. Please, no dogs.

For reservations or more information visit http://www.highlandspringstrailsvolunteers.com/hikes-and-wildflower-walks.html .