NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAKEPORT CITY COUNCIL will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers at 225 Park Street, Lakeport, California on Tuesday, July 17, 2012, at 6:00 p.m., on an ordinance that is summarized as follows:
An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Lakeport, California, authorizing an amendment to the contract between the City Council of the City of Lakeport and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System.
Copies of the proposed ordinances are available for inspection at Lakeport City Hall, City Clerk’s office. Questions or comments may be made in writing and directed to the City Manager at 225 Park Street, Lakeport, CA 95453.
Dated this 27th day of June, 2012
Janel M. Chapman, City Clerk