LAKEPORT, Calif. – This week the Board of Supervisors will hold public hearings to consider an appeal of the Lake County Planning Commission's denial of a permit for a Kelseyville Dollar General store and discuss general plan amendments and other approvals needed to move the Valley Oaks project forward.
The board will meet beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 25, in the board chambers on the first floor of the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.
The meeting can be watched live on Channel 8 and online at . Accompanying board documents, the agenda and archived board meeting videos also are available at that link.
At 10 a.m., the board will hear the appeal of Texas-based Cross Development LLC of the planning commission's unanimous denial in May of the major use permit and mitigated negative declaration for the construction of a 9,100-square-foot Dollar General store at 4315 Douglas St. and 5505 Main St. in Kelseyville.
Cross Development builds and leases stores to Dollar General, a small box retailer based in Goodlettsville, Tenn., which has more than 12,000 stores nationwide and in the last few years has begun opening stores in California and on other parts of the West Coast.
At 1:30 p.m., the board will hold a public hearing to consider a general plan amendment, rezone and general plan of development for Kimco Corp.'s Valley Oaks development.
The planning commission approved Valley Oaks' final environmental impact report in June, as Lake County News has reported.
Kimco Development is proposing to build Valley Oaks – a development of 380 single-story homes for seniors, ages 55 and above – in six phases on 150 acres at 18196 and 18426 South State Highway 29, Middletown.
Other planned amenities in the project will include a 31-acre commercial area fronting Highway 29, a senior housing/assisted living facility, 29 acres of public open space, trails and park facilities and a realignment of Coyote Creek.
The full agenda follows.
7.1: Adopt resolution authorizing the grant project - Lake County Victim-Witness Assistance Program.
7.2: Approve grant agreement between county of Lake and Redbud Health Care District to accept grant funds of $1,796.99, and authorize the chair to sign.
7.3: Adopt resolution urging the state to provide new sustainable funding for state and local transportation infrastructure.
7.4: Approve advance step hire for Extra Help Social Worker IV- Child Protective Services, Toni Jones at step five due to her extraordinary qualifications.
7.5: Approve bid for Seigler Creek Pipeline Replacement and Hitch Improvement Project in Lake County, Calif., Bid #15-07 to Pacific Underground Services and authorize the Special Districts administrator / assistant purchasing agent to issue a notice of award and execute the contract in the amount of $122,480.
7.6: Approve agreement between the county of Lake and Ruzicka Associates for engineering design and inspection services for CSA 2 - Spring Valley Water Distribution System Upgrades, in the amount of $148,900 and authorize the chair to sign.
7.7: Adopt resolution amending Resolution No. 2015-84 establishing a new classification and position allocation to conform with the recommended budget for fiscal year 2015-16 Budget Unit 2201, Sheriff/Coroner.
8.2, 9:15 a.m.: Public hearing, consideration of appeal of an administrative citation for William O. Showalter III for violating the Quagga Mussel Prevention Program.
8.3, 9:30 a.m.: Public hearing, consideration of general plan amendment (GPAP 14-02) of a portion of one parcel from Low Density Residential and Rural Residential to Low Density Residential; and a rezone (14-01) from "RR-SOS" Rural Residential-Substandard Older Subdivision to "R1" Single-family Residential; project applicant is the county of Lake; located at 3895 Sunset Terrace, Lucerne (APN 034-592-10 - Grant Murray); and consideration of adoption of a negative declaration based on Initial Study IS 14-24.
8.4, 9:45 a.m.: Carried over from Aug. 18, consideration of resolution designating applicant’s agent for California Disaster Assistance Act Funding for Wildland Fires in Lake County.
8.5, 10 a.m.: Public hearing, continued from July 21, 2015 and Aug. 18, consideration of an appeal to the Board of Supervisors (AB 15-02) of the Planning Commission's decision to deny the major use permit (UP 15-01, IS 15-03) and mitigated negative declaration to allow construction of a 9,100 sq. ft. Dollar General Store, Kelseyville; appellants are Cross Development, LLC; site is located at 4315 Douglas Street and 5505 Main Street, Kelseyville (APNs 008-710-50 and 51).
8.6, 10:30 a.m.: Continued from Aug. 18, consideration of agreement between the county of Lake and Andrew B. Brown of Ellison, Schneider & Harris L.L.P for legal services, amount not to exceed $30,000, and authorize the chair to sign.
8.7, 1:30 p.m.: Public hearing, consideration of general plan amendment (GPAP 06-02), rezone (04-23) and general plan of development (GPD 06-01) proposing the following: (1) general plan amendment from Agricultural and Resource Conservation to Community Commercial, High Density Residential, Low Density Residential and Resource Conservation; (2) Rezone from "A" Agriculture to "PDC-DR" Planned Development Commercial-Design Review Combining District, "PDR-RD" Planned Development Residential-Residential Design Combining District and "O" Open Space; (3) General Plan of Development to create a mixed use development consisting of 380 single family residential lots, a 3.54 acre medium density residential lot, a 2.53 acre senior housing/assisted living facility, public open space, trails and park facilities and planned development commercial area of approximately 31 acres fronting South State Highway 29; project applicant is Kimco Development Corporation; located at 18196 and 18426 South State Highway 29, Middletown (APNs 014-260-36 and 51).
9.2: Consideration of agreement between the county of Lake and O.C. Jones & Sons for the installation of pipeline in Highway 20 for the County Service Area No.16 Waterline Extension, Clearlake Oaks to Paradise Cove, in the amount of $1,047,900.50 and authorize the chair to sign.
Email Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.
Supervisors to host public hearings for Dollar General appeal, Valley Oaks project approval
- Elizabeth Larson
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