LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Lakeport City Council will gather twice this week, once for a special meeting to discuss goals and the second for its regular meeting.
The council’s two meetings will take place on Monday, April 3, and Tuesday, April, 4, both in the council chambers at Lakeport City Hall, 225 Park St.
For the Monday special meeting, which begins at 5 p.m., the council will hold a workshop for the purpose of discussing and setting the goals for fiscal year 2017-18, which is part of the annual budgeting process.
On Tuesday, beginning at 6 p.m., the council will hold its first regular meeting of the month.
On the short agenda is a consent agenda including the following items:
– Ordinances.
– Minutes of the regular March 21 meeting.
– The March 20 warrant register.
– Application No. 2017-012 with staff recommendations, and waive application fee, for the 2017 Downtown Clean Up event to be held on Main Street on May 13.
– Application No. 2017-013 with staff recommendations, for the 2017 July Fourth Arts & Crafts Fair to be held on Park Street and Library Park on July 4.
– Application No. 2017-014 with staff recommendations, for the 2017 Taste of Lake County event to be held on Main Street on Aug. 26.
– Application No. 2017-015 with staff recommendations, for the 2017 Dickens Faire to be held on Main Street on Nov. 25.
– Application No. 2017-016 with staff recommendations, and waive application fee, for the annual Trick or Treat Main Street event to be held on Main Street on Oct. 31.
– Reject Claim 2017-001 filed by Patricia Felix, as recommended by REMIF.
– Receive and file the Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
The council also will present proclamations designating April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month to Lake Family Resource Center staff.
Email Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.
Lakeport City Council to hold meetings for goals setting, regular business
- Elizabeth Larson
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