LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Author and consultant JoAnn Saccato announced her first online and teleconference introductory course based on her recently released book, “Companioning the Sacred Journey: A Guide to Creating a Compassionate Container for Your Spiritual Practice.”
The five-week course is slated for 90-minutes each week beginning on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2014.
“Companioning the Sacred Journey: A Guide to Creating a Compassionate Container for Your Spiritual Practice” is based on the use of tools of journaling, affirmations and mindfulness meditation practices, as well as tools from other faith-based traditions, to establish an ongoing spiritual practice that leads the reader to a deeper sense of authenticity and joy in their life.
The course will focus on these primary tools to guide the participants to establish their own meaningful practice that can accompany them through all of life's experiences, or what Saccato refers to the inevitable opposites of life – everything from hot/cold, to joy/sorrow, pain/pleasure and gain/loss.
The course, which takes place through a series of conference calls and online and personal reflection activities, helps the participant explore their values and beliefs, establish a meaningful practice and gives proven suggestions to help them maintain their practice beyond the course.
"It can be challenging to create and maintain a daily spiritual practice," said Saccato, remembering when she first learned how to meditate. "Working together in a group helps create a sense of community and accountability, giving us a much better chance to successfully sustain it over the long run – which is when the deeper fruits of spiritual practice manifest," she furthered.
JoAnn Saccato holds a masters degree in co-creating sustainable futures, a self-designed interdisciplinary degree through Sonoma State University.
She is a native of Lake County, a minister in the Universal Life Church and a Reiki Master/Teacher. She is an author, consultant, educator, inspirational speaker and a founding member of Lake Co-op, California's only cooperatively-owned online organic food ordering and distribution system.
Her book, released in June of 2013, captured No. 1 in sales in its categories on Amazon during an early promotion and is available online through her Web site and in bookstores throughout Northern California.
The book outlines many tools for the beginning practitioner or the experienced practitioner that wants to deepen the authenticity and compassion in their practice and life.
It also shares some of the inspiration Saccato received during 10 years of living a remote, voluntary simplicity lifestyle with her canine companion of 15 years, Shyla.
"Shyla was my spiritual and life companion and my companioning her through her final transition was one of the catalysts for writing the book," Saccato said.
For more information about Saccato, her book and the upcoming course, visit or call 707-350-1719.