Caltrans has launched the planning process for the first California State Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, or CSBPP.
The visionary and comprehensive CSBPP will focus on improving safety and access for everyone across all modes, particularly bicycle and pedestrian.
“More Californians are choosing alternatives to driving that have health benefits and cut greenhouse gases,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “Caltrans will collaborate with a variety of stakeholders who have a stake in safe and accessible transportation in California.”
In keeping with Caltrans’ new mission to “provide a safe, sustainable, integrated, and efficient transportation system to enhance California’s economy and livability,” bicycle and pedestrian transportation must play a larger role in California’s transportation system.
Public participation is critical to developing a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan that strengthens bicycling and pedestrian safety and increases opportunities across the State.
To achieve wide participation, Caltrans is engaging a broad range of stakeholders through targeted outreach activities statewide.
Additionally, Caltrans has launched the CSBPP Web site at , where visitors may take an online survey and sign up for email updates about new project information and outreach activities. You can also follow the hashtag #CSBPP on Twitter for more information.
When completed in the upcoming year, the CSBPP will help guide future investments, such as Caltrans’ Active Transportation Program (ATP), which funds projects that take cars off the road, helping to clean the air, conserve our natural resources, and promote healthier, sustainable communities.
To date, Caltrans has allocated $360 million statewide in ATP grants. On Oct. 23, 114 biking and walking projects were adopted as part of its 2015 Active Transportation Program.
The CSBPP will provide a framework to guide the planning and development of non-motorized transportation on State facilities and maximize the use of future investments.
It will also lead to improved connections between the state’s bicycle and pedestrian facilities with the existing network and other modes of transportation, as well as help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vehicles miles traveled.
The plan will not replace existing policies and implementation plans at the regional and local levels.
Caltrans launches new focus on bicycles and pedestrians
- Lake County News reports
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