Carlé Chronicle: A visit to Sacramento



LOWER LAKE, Calif. – On Jan. 25 all of Carlé High School took a field trip to Sacramento City College and the state capitol.

When we arrived at the college, we were met by three tour guides who split us into two different groups.

Sacramento City College has many programs dedicated to helping the students with tutoring, aid with book fees and other student friendly services.

They also have programs to help students switch from a community college to a four-year university or even a law school.

Sac City College has a very large gym for working out, and also a very large basketball court. If you’re into sports Sac City seems like a great community college to start your sports career.

Veronica Hernandez, a student at Carlé High School, said, “I had a good time walking around the college and seeing all the different courses they offer, I was impressed by how large it was for a community college.”

After touring Sacramento City College we went on a tour of the Capitol Building, which was beautiful.

When we arrived there, we were met by a tour guide in the treasury office of the Capitol Building. After learning about the treasury, we traveled up three flights of stairs to see the portraits of the governors which was really cool to see.

We really wanted to meet Gov. Jerry Brown in person, however, we didn’t get to see him.

After examining the portraits of the governors we went to the Senate Chambers, which had extremely impressive architecture and design.

The Senate Chambers is always open to the public; so at any time the senators are debating you may go in there and listen to the debate if you would like.

Alvaro Duran, another student at Carlé High, said: “I thought the trip was really exciting, and I eagerly wanted to meet Jerry Brown but he wasn’t there unfortunately.”

We have had two students of the week. Alan Siegel, who nominated winner Shaina Yaquinto as student of the week, had this to say: “I nominated Shaina Yaquinto as student of the week because she always tries to avoid drama and focus on her work, and she always does the right thing. I truly appreciate the hard work she puts in to earn her graduation.”

Our second student of the week was Teagan Tompioner. Principal Heather Koehler said, “When Teagan Tompioner was nominated as student of the week all the staff quickly agreed that she deserves this honor for her hard work and determined mindset.”

Many students entered the Super Hero mug contest, and there were some really amazing mugs the students produced: Poison Ivy, Dead Pool or even their parents.

The ultimate winner of the contest was also this week’s student of the week Teagan Tompioner who made a Joker mug from the Suicide Squad.

Jonathan Killops and Lia Lionetti from the Lake Family Resource Center visited Carlé with the California Prep Program, also know as the Sharp Curriculum. This program helps students make better decisions for their future.

Students Jaime Miller and Taylor Churchill made thank you mugs for these two wonderful people.

During sixth period on Feb. 3 Carlé High School had a “fun activity period” where there was karaoke, and a basketball shooting competition where the student that made the most shots won prizes.

Nicholas Phipps is a student at Carlé Continuation High School.