LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — The Board of Supervisors this week will honor Lakeport’s retiring police chief, who is soon to join the board himself as one of its newest members, get an update on a lake science symposium and consider a retailer licensing tobacco ordinance.
The board will meet beginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6, in the board chambers on the first floor of the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.
The meeting can be watched live on Channel 8, online at and on the county’s Facebook page. Accompanying board documents, the agenda and archived board meeting videos also are available at that link.
To participate in real-time, join the Zoom meeting by clicking this link.
The meeting ID is 865 3354 4962, pass code 726865. The meeting also can be accessed via one tap mobile at +16694449171,,86533544962#,,,,*726865#. The meeting can also be accessed via phone at 669 900 6833.
At 9:10 a.m., the board will present a proclamation celebrating the retirement of Lakeport Police Chief Brad Rasmussen.
Rasmussen was elected in March to the District 4 supervisorial seat. He’ll join the Board of Supervisors in January.
He’s also due to receive a proclamation from the Lakeport City Council on its Tuesday night meeting, during which his successor, Dale Stoebe, will take his oath of office.
Also on Tuesday, at 9:30 a.m. Lake County Watershed Protection District staff will give the board a presentation on the Clear Lake Integrated Science Symposium, set to take place on Aug. 15 and 16.
At 10:30 a.m., the board will hold a public hearing to consider a comprehensive retailer licensing tobacco ordinance and code of ordinance in efforts to address the continual decline of Lake County’s health rankings and the high rates of youth tobacco use.
The full agenda follows.
5.1: Adopt proclamation celebrating the retirement of Lakeport Police Chief Brad Rasmussen.
5.2: Adopt proclamation designating August 2024 as Child Support Awareness Month.
5.3: Approve continuation of local emergency by the Lake County Sheriff/OES director for the 2024 late January, early February winter storms.
5.4: Approve continuation of proclamation declaring a Clear Lake Hitch emergency.
5.5: Approve continuation of proclamation of the existence of a local emergency due to pervasive tree mortality.
5.6: Approve continuation of emergency proclamation declaring a shelter crisis in the county of Lake.
5.7: Approve first amendment to the agreement by and between California Forensic Medical Group, Inc. ("CFMG") and the county of Lake for medical services in Lake County Detention Facility for an increase of 4.7% and a new base sum of $4,132,876.50 for the period of January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024, and authorize the CAO and chair to sign.
5.8: Approve second reading of an ordinance amending Article 5 of Chapter 3 of the Lake County Code relating to the commercial weighing and measuring device registration program.
5.9: Adopt resolution approving Agreement No. 24-0274-000-SA with the California Department of Food and Agriculture for compliance with the Nursery Inspection Program for the period of July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, for $500.00.
5.10: Approve agreement between the county of Lake and Ever Well Health Systems for adult residential support services and specialty mental health services in the amount of $125,000 for Fiscal Year 2024-25 and authorize the board chair to sign.
5.11: Approve agreement between the county of Lake and Women's Recovery Services for substance use disorder residential treatment services in the amount of $319,739.40 for FY 2024-25 and authorize the board chair to sign.
5.12: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the agreement between the county of Lake and Hilltop Recovery Services for substance use disorder treatment services in the amount of $561,703.77 for FY 2023-24 and authorize the board chair to sign.
5.13: Approve agreement between the county of Lake and Vista Pacifica Enterprises Inc. for adult residential support services and specialty mental health services in the amount of $660,000 for Fiscal Year 2024-25 and authorize the board chair to sign.
5.14: Approve agreement between the county of Lake and Ford Street Project for ASAM Levels 3.1, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, and withdrawal management Levels 1, 2, and 3.2 services for Fiscal Year 2024-25 in the amount of $100,000 and authorize the board chair to sign.
5.15: Approve Board of Supervisors meeting minutes from July 16, 2024.
5.16: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the agreement between the County of Lake Health Services Department and Sheila McCarthy, occupational therapist, to increase total hours not to exceed 564 hours annually with maximum compensation of $58,204.80 and authorize the board chair to sign.
5.17: Approve the site license agreement with New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC and California Internet LP for occupancy of tower on Buckingham Peak, which will provide $300/month to the county, and authorize the chair to sign the agreement.
5.18: Approve donation of M113A2 to American Armory Museum, Fairfield, California.
5.19: Approve Lake County Sheriff’s annual “military equipment” report.
5.20: Approve the Sun Ridge Systems Software Support Services Agreement for FY 2024/25 in the amount of $54,856 for the support of its law enforcement software suite, and authorize the sheriff to issue a purchase order.
5.21: Sitting as the Board of Directors of the Lake County Watershed Protection District, (a) approve the agreement between the county of Lake and EOA, Inc. environmental consulting firm to provide assistance in conducting stormwater illicit discharge detection elimination and stormwater guidance development and management plan not to exceed $224,000 for a term ending Jan. 31, 2029; and (b) authorize the Water Resources director to sign the agreement and all other documents related to this project.
6.2, 9:03 a.m.: Pet of the Week.
6.3, 9:05 a.m.: Presentation of proclamation designating August 2024 as Child Support Awareness Month.
6.4, 9:10 a.m.: Presentation of proclamation celebrating the retirement of Lakeport Police Chief Brad Rasmussen.
6.5, 9:30 a.m.: Presentation on the Clear Lake Integrated Science Symposium by Lake County Watershed Protection District staff.
6.6, 10 a.m.: Public hearing, consideration of ordinance for the county of Lake unincorporated and county-owned and leased properties governed by the Board of Supervisors to regulate smoking and tobacco use (hearing to be continued to Aug. 27, 2024, at 9:15 a.m.).
6.7, 10:30 a.m.: Public hearing, consideration of a comprehensive retailer licensing tobacco ordinance and code of ordinance in efforts to address the continual decline of Lake County’s health rankings and the high rates of youth tobacco use.
6.8, 10:30 a.m.: Hearing, consideration of request for post-abatement hearing on account and proposed assessment of abatement – 265 Butler St. Clearlake Oaks, CA / APN# 035-391-58.
6.9, 10:45 a.m.: Hearing, consideration of request for post-abatement hearing on account and proposed assessment of abatement, 11625 Garden Court, Lucerne, CA / APN# 035-263-27.
6.10, 1:15 p.m.: Hearing, consideration of request for post-abatement hearing on account and proposed assessment of abatement, 11195 Pingree Rd, Clearlake Oaks, CA / APN# 035-491-26.
7.2: Consideration of (a) Bid No. 24 - 40 for the supply of bulk #2 diesel fuel and unleaded gasoline; (b) Nick Barbieri Trucking’s bid for #2 diesel fuel and unleaded gasoline; and (c) agreement between the county of Lake and Nick Barbieri Trucking for the supply of diesel fuel and unleaded gasoline from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027, and authorize the chair to sign.
7.3: Consideration of (a) Bid No. 24 - 41 for the supply of bulk propane; (b) Westgate Petroleum’s bid for propane; and (c) agreement between the county of Lake and Westgate Petroleum for the supply of propane fuel from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027, and authorize the chair to sign.
7.4: Consideration of Amendment No. 2 to the agreement between the county of Lake and BHC Heritage Oaks Hospital Inc. for acute inpatient psychiatric hospital services and professional services associated with acute inpatient psychiatric hospitalization in the amount of $350,000 for Fiscal Year 2023-24.
7.5: Consideration of agreement between the county of Lake and Creative Alternatives Inc. for specialty mental health services in the amount of $100,000 for Fiscal Year 2024-25.
7.6: Consideration to (a) rescind action taken on item 5.14 on July 23, 2024; approval of contract between the county of Lake and California Department of Social Services for agency adoption services and resource family approval family evaluations, in the amount of $1,218,968, and authorize the chair to sign; and (b) adopt resolution of the Board of Supervisors approving the Standard Agreement #23-5021 A1 between the county of Lake and the California Department of Social Services for resource family approval program adoptions program merge and authorizing the director of social services to sign the standard agreement.
8.1: Public employee appointment pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54957(b)(1): Interviews for animal control director appointment of animal control director.
8.2: Conference with legal counsel: Existing litigation pursuant to Gov. Code sec. 54956.9(d)(1): In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation MDL No. 2804/Case No. 17-MD-2804.
Email Elizabeth Larson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.
Supervisors to honor Rasmussen, discuss upcoming lake science symposium
- Elizabeth Larson
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