Running club votes to change name to Lake County Milers

LAKE COUNTY – In keeping with its geographically diverse membership, the Hidden Valley Lake Milers voted early this month to change the name of their running/walking club to the Lake County Milers.

“With members located in Hidden Valley Lake, Middletown, Cobb, Anderson Springs, Clearlake Oaks and Lower Lake, our club decided that ‘Lake County Milers’ better represents our current demographics,” said Milers President Jeanine Burnett.

“We also believe our new name reflects our plans to expand in Lake County, including a satellite running group for the Kelseyville/Lakeport area,” Burnett added.

The name change, approved by nearly 4-to-1 among members present at a Jan. 3 meeting, is effective immediately. It will also change the club’s Web site to

The Lake County Milers will continue to sponsor the club’s annual Spring Has Sprung run (which drew about 130 participants last year for the challenging event) as well as its one-of-a-kind Crazy Creek 5K beer-and-bratwurst Run in the fall. Additionally, the club hosts an annual Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.

Founded in 2003, the Lake County Milers promotes fitness and health in the Lake County region. The Milers invite all runners and walkers throughout Lake County to join.

Located in Hidden Valley Lake (four miles north of Middletown on Highway 29), the Milers offer a social running and walking club, running clinics for beginners, information on upcoming race events, and training opportunities with fellow club members of varying speed and distance levels.

Whether you're a beginner or a veteran, the Milers have something for everyone.

For more details, see the group’s Web site:
