Sunday, Aug. 26. 2007
00:00 MISSING PERSON 070826001
Occurred on 19TH Av. last seen around 4:00/ in his girlfriends mercury blk 93 sable 4dr/ Disposition: Report Taken.
01:13 MUSIC/DOGS/ETC 070826003
Occurred on Oakmont Dr. LOUD MUSIC Disposition: Log Note Only.
01:25 PATROL CHECK 070826005
Occurred at Notts Liquors on Lakeshore Dr. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
01:38 PATROL CHECK 070826006
Occurred at Time To Shop on Lakeshore Dr. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
02:24 MUSIC/DOGS/ETC 070826007
Occurred at Reflection Bar on Lakeshore Dr. . LOUD NOISE BEHIND BAR Disposition: Log Note Only.
02:50 PATROL CHECK 070826008
Occurred at Park View Market on Lakeshore Dr. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
03:49 PATROL CHECK 070826009
Occurred at Floors To Go on Olympic Dr. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
03:53 PATROL CHECK 070826010
Occurred at Clearlake Post Office on Olympic Dr. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Borax/Sulphur Bank. vehicle over embankment - confirmed stolen vehicle from earlier 1/4 submerged in water Disposition: Log Note Only.
09:01 911 HANG UP 070826012
Occurred at Residence on Meadowbrook Dr. . 911 HANG UP / HEARD TALKING ON INITIAL, ON CALL BACK GOT ANSWERING MACHINE / NOSUBSCRIBER Disposition: Unfounded.
10:08 WARRANT SERVICE 070826013
Officer initiated activity at Fir Av, Clearlake.BAKER, WILLIAM 3056PC SERVICE Disposition: Arrest Made.
10:43 DISTURBANCE 070826015
Occurred at Lakeland on Old Highway 53. . 415 IN LAKELAND BEHIND 31 LAKEFRONT / JOSH AND NIKKI Disposition: Unfounded.
11:08 DISTURBANCE 070826016
Occurred at Toyon St on (Unknown Address). . 415 IN TRAILER ACROSS THE STREET FROM RP Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Lakeland Mobile Home Park on Old Highway 53. . RONALD WHEELER ARRIVED AT HER RESIDENCE CAUSING A DISTURBANCE Disposition: Log Note Only.
11:56 DISTURBANCE 070826018
Occurred at Harbor Lite on Lakeshore Dr. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred on Stonybrook Dr. 14 year old daughter missing / possibly with father - 972-3131 Disposition: Log Note Only.
12:26 FORGERY 070826021
Occurred at Residence on 3RD St. . Disposition: Unfounded.
12:32 911 HANG UP 070826023
Occurred at Residence on Cottage Av. . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Acacia Rd on (Unknown Address). . several rocks in the roadway Disposition: Log Note Only.
16:54 DISTURBANCE 070826033
Occurred at Foods Etc on Lakeshore Dr. . three 2 bmas and one bfa / 415 verbal Disposition: Report Taken.
Occurred at Lakeland Mobile Home Park on Old Highway 53. . being threatend by neighbor Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Launderland on Lakeshore Dr. . rp reportiing 2 hma in laundry mat taking pictures of them then making rude gestures one wearing a maroon shirt Disposition: Log Note Only.
Occurred at Koloko on Pearl St. . rp reporting he found a backpack in his closet full of jewells and silver/ he believes lourdes torres left it he will break the lock if needed/ Disposition: Unfounded.
Occurred at Clearlake Police Department on Olympic Dr. . rp reporting father of child wont give her back no custody papers the child has been living with the mother for 4 years is enrolled in schoo in the oaks/ Disposition: Log Note Only.
20:09 INFORMATION REPORT 070826040
Occurred on Meadowbrook Dr. attempted 459 to residence young blk males in dark pickup no tailgate trying to break into garage Disposition: Log Note Only.
21:27 RESIDENTIAL ALARM 070826041
Occurred on Rosewood Ln. aud/ kitchen and bedroom/ respon pending Disposition: Log Note Only.
21:45 DISTURBANCE 070826042
Occurred at Clearlake Apartments on Old Highway 53. . rp reporting people in apt above are stomping Disposition: Log Note Only.
22:00 VANDALISM 070826044
Occurred on Olympic Dr. rp reporting 594 to door suspect info/ Disposition: Report Taken.
22:11 DISTURBANCE 070826045
Occurred at Reflection Bar on Lakeshore Dr. . 415 between male/ female hbd Disposition: Arrest Made.
22:31 DISTURBANCE 070826046
Occurred on Old Highway 53. rp reporting hbd femal causing problem verbal 415 heard in background Disposition: Log Note Only.
22:35 WELFARE CHECK 070826047
Occurred on Oakland Av. welfare check mother needs help from wheelchair to bed 18mth and 9 yr in house/ Disposition: Log Note Only.